Every person feels a longing for companionship, there is within each of us an innate desire to be loved and accepted by another person. At times we may understand this desire as a directive of our love towards God, and at other times, as a desire for a beautiful relationship with another person.
Two ideas come together regarding the choice of our life partner. First, is the principle that we are here on earth for the purpose of growth and development in consciousness, a desire to care for others.
Now, associations with some individuals are more conducive to growth than associations with others, therefore, it is prudent to choose carefully our
companions and most importantly our commitment to another person that we love.
This principle is probably easiest for us to accept if we merely take time to reflect on the types of influences our various friends and acquaintances have had on us during our journey. The impact is most powerful in a marriage relationship, and a good union should be founded upon a shared purpose in life and the capacity to help each other to grow.